Stolen Voodoo Hoodoo

, 1st to 2nd February £50 (I'm poor)
  • Colour

    Red with green motifs

  • Frame Number


  • Stolen From


  • Stolen When

    1st to 2nd February

  • Reward

    £50 (I'm poor)

Bike Description

  1. 54cm frame
  2. Red
  3. Non standard saddle, ergonomic fit
  4. Black bottle cage
  5. Mount for phone on handlebars
  6. 1x11 gearing

Theft Description

They accessed the third story balcony with a ladder, and I guess they packed it in to a van and drove off. Surprisingly nobody heard or saw them but I'm waiting on cctv from the very local pub, so if a van pulled in to out yard in the wee hours of the morning then I can get the plates and ultimately their address. Police refuse to do anything as per usual.