Fighting Back

Stolen Bikes UK takes the fight back to the thieves altering the status quo of a market that has allowed them free reign.


What The Numbers Say

Writing a article or simply interested? We’ve compiled statistics from all over the UK into one easy to read summary.



Don’t take my word that the projects get results.


Whose Behind it?

Stolen Bikes UK was founded by one person on a simple mission.

Find Out More

Stolen Bikes UK aims to cut bike theft and increase recovery rates by providing free, innovative and easy to use tools to the cycling community, industry and public services. Whilst ensuring that we remain sustainable, combating crime and doing the right thing will always be put before profit.

John Moss Founder

  • Cyclists who have had a bike stolen 64%
  • Cyclists that don’t believe in the police 75%
  • Cyclists who give up after a theft 25%

Thanks very much for your help last week. I waited two days after giving a statement for the police to do something. By Friday I decided to exert more pressure as I knew the bike was mine and could be sold soon, so as you suggested, I told the police I would go alone if they wouldn’t accompany me. They eventually logged it with the local police in Cheshire where the man selling the bike lives. Cheshire Police immediately contacted me and acted right away in recovering the bike. My proof that the bike was mine (without being able to see the frame number) was scant and they were basically just going on my word but after a train journey to Cheshire on Friday night I was reunited with my bike. It had even been serviced! I’m still in shock that I have it back. It’s amazing what can result from checking eBay most days for four months…

Amazingly it was returned to us on Monday night, thank you for your help.

In using your website, the very first search I conducted – regarding a Specialized Crosstrail – led to a seller who we cross referenced the information from his Gumtree adverts to that on our systems and have now sent officers to get the seller information before going to court to get a search warrant.

GMP Officer

My bike got stolen earlier this week. Through your site, and the location specific search, I have been able to find it being sold on eBay.

RESULT! Got address and phone no. by posing as prospective buyers. Son’s friend went to property, positively ID’d bike….warrant issued..2 people arrested and bike recovered last night!!

Large organised crime ring, we think…Big big house and doubt paid for by ill gotten gains!  Thank you for your help and interest.

It is a credit that this has been completed by a single person and not a multi-national media mogul and continued with little support. Recognition of this work is justifiable and can be endorsed with the above reward.

I got my bike back!!! I’d definitely still be waiting on the police if it wasn’t for you so, thank you for all your advice!

As I am about to unsubscribe I felt I must write to say thankyou for a brilliant website. I imagine you dont get as much feedback & thanks as you should so I thought writing would be courteous. Stumbled onto it by accident & within 2 weeks I have found my ideal bike which I was told was hard to find.

We’ve utilised your website on a couple occasions now to broadcast recovered bikes or locate an owner and so another service to recover missing bikes would be a huge asset.

Officer in A&S Police

This is where | come in. Although my bike hasn’t ever been recovered (and it isn’t hard to miss £3k worth of bike) I’ve seen and admired the work of the websites – this service is the nearest pro-active way victims have of trying to get their bikes back. Put it this way, my car is worth £2k, my bike was worth £3k, if my car was stolen, you’d be sure the police would do something about it! These guys deserve this award!!

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