Stolen Whyte Portobello Hybrid

, 20/11/2023 1000
  • Colour

    Matte Bronze, with copper and burnt orange

  • Frame Number

    Unknown unfortunately

  • Stolen From


  • Stolen When


  • Reward


Bike Description

I had a bike stolen today in Central Oxford. It's a used Whyte Portobello bike with dark gold look to it. It has a bike luggage rack and two different water bottle holders (one is cracked). It also has a cargo net wrapped around the seat stem and an old sticker on the seat stem (From the previous owner, I think a brewery sticker that is red). The breaks were also switched around from the standard Whyte way. The back wheel brake is on the right hand, and the front break is the on the left hand.

Theft Description

My bike was stolen in the center of Oxford. I did not see Oxford as a selection above. It was stolen off it's lock some time between 11a-2:45pm.