Stolen lapierre Edge 2.9 Mens Hardtail Mountain Bike 29″ Wheel, 24 Speed – Grey

, 18/08/2023
  • Colour

    Grey and Blue

  • Frame Number


  • Stolen From


  • Stolen When


  • Crime Reference Number


Bike Description

The bike was taken from Slough Tesco right outside the house of Chaat, locked with a cable lock directly outside their store with a camera pointing at it, locked to a traffic fence. Taken between the hours of 14:15 and 15:30 on the 18th of August. The bikes' pedals make a loud creaking noise when pushing down and when you start cycling and can be heard from some distance away. The suspension is dirty and slightly rusted. It has a seat that says 'gel' on it. This is black and slightly white with a hole in the middle by the design of the seat, there is also a tear in the bike seat. Both tires are fairly new and have lots of tread to it.

Theft Description

Stolen from the tesco next to slough station car park between the hours of 14:15 and 15:30, unsure of the method. It was locked just outside house of Chatt,