Stolen GT Bicycles Avalance

, Sunday 21/1/2024 I can't afford any money reward. but that bike means the world to me, with my autism it was my methof of being able to get out the house and relaxing.
  • Colour

    Grey and Orange

  • Frame Number


  • Stolen From


  • Stolen When

    Sunday 21/1/2024

  • Reward

    I can't afford any money reward. but that bike means the world to me, with my autism it was my methof of being able to get out the house and relaxing.

Bike Description

Grey and Orange Mountain bike, with the word GT written in big black letters on the main frame of the bike and the word Avalanche written in black letters on the real wheel frame on the orange part. it has a bike pump mounted to the frame and the saddle post is scratched at the back. it also has Cannondale handle bar grips which I put on myself.

Theft Description

My bike was at a 'secure' bike store at the apartment building when the bike lock was cut through and stolen. and to make it even better the apartment building has NO CCTV watching over the bike store.