Stolen Giant Trance 2 2015

, 28th may 2017 @ 2:00 am 150

Bike Description

 Giant trace 2 27.5 with gold chain has a hope 4 rear hub blue (ticks loud) with magic merry tires (big tread) enduro mud flap at front, blue raceface handle bar grips, x2 mrp chain stay. Mostly black with the word giant underneath the frame with some bright blue parts around the bike, flat peddles 

Theft Description

Stolen from Bridlington, Auburn Farm Fraisthorpe. Camping for the weekend holidays. My bike and 2 others next to it locked to the back of the motor home with 3 locks and one with a alarm padlock. I wake up this morning and someone cut the locks to get my bike at the back of all the bikes and left the other 2. Please help me find it