Stolen Giant Expression

, In the afternoon I think.
  • Colour


  • Frame Number


  • Stolen From


  • Stolen When

    In the afternoon I think.

Bike Description

This bike has a large metal black basket on the back and has handlebar extensions to make it look more like bullhorn handlebars. It had an orange sticker that says "Chamberlain" on the frame I don't know if it still does. It also had/has a messed up water holder lower down on the post. Mudflaps and a bell too. I don't know what size it was exactly but most likely a large (possibly a medium?)

Theft Description

In the morning I left and decided to walk instead of taking my bike. It was there, locked to a very sturdy light pole where I always lock it. I came home in the afternoon and didn't notice anything amiss, went inside. When I went to leave again in the evening, my bike wasn't there! The crazy thing is that I had been home that whole time.