Stolen Pinnacle Lithium 2 [2014]

, Saturday 8th October between 18:30 and 19:30. £150
  • Colour


  • Frame Number


  • Stolen From


  • Stolen When

    Saturday 8th October between 18:30 and 19:30.

  • Crime Reference Number


  • Reward


Bike Description

Black bicycle bought in 2014; however is well used so obvious scratch marks around where the combination lock is usually wrapped. Back light missing/smashed off due to accident one week before theft. One tire (front) has a dirt tyre (with deeper tread) whilst the back tire still has a road tire on White tippex arrow (<->) on top of main bar with initials ZR tippex on the underneath of top main bar.

Theft Description

Bike was securely fastened to a handrail outside popular city gym 'the gym' which has high footfall and possible CCTV. Upon return appears handrail was destroyed/dislocated so the lock could be slipped off. Highly likely my combination lock will have to be cut off before any attempts to sell it are made.