Stolen Carrera Axle LTD

Bike Description

Carrera Axle LTD hybrid bike 20" frame. Light grey with black "CARRERA" writing on both sides of frame, and near the chain. Light grey "AXLE" writing on the top of the frame.  Small orange "LTD" writing with circle around it located in several areas of the frame. Carrera logo on front of the bike. Original saddle/seat with LTD on it. Original hybrid tyres. 21 (7x3) gears. Quick release wheels. I had a bottle holder attached to the frame. Reflectors and lights also attached. Bought for £180 in January 2018. Frame number: SA70607655 Police file reference: 16/94080/18

Theft Description

Bike was locked up outside KFC down Jameson street, Hull. The bike was gone around 10:10pm. The lock was also taken. I assume the thief must have used bolt cutters to cut the lock.