Stolen Carrera bicycles Hybrid Bike Limited Edition 2020 – L 439374

, 31st December 2020 30
  • Colour

    Silver Grey

  • Frame Number


  • Stolen From


  • Stolen When

    31st December 2020

  • Crime Reference Number


  • Reward


Bike Description

It is the latest model 2020. Was bought roughly a month back and got stolen on the 31st of December. Only the front light was on the bike, the rear light was not on the bike as I had to replace its battery. The left hand brake has a very slight mark. The farthest tip of it has a very small but visible chipping. The chipping appears distinctly silver as opposed to the colour of the hand brake which is black. There are no mudguards on the bike. Unfortunately since it was quite a new bike, I did not take my own pictures of the bike. But I can attach the pictures from Halford's website as it is exactly the bike shown in those pictures. Here is the link.$ja=tsid:94971%7Ccid:936535124%7Cagid:46902882455%7Ctid:pla-331200599741%7Ccrid:223039995974%7Cnw:g%7Crnd:4131035109909351769%7Cdvc:c%7Cadp:%7Cmt:%7Cloc:1006702&gclid=CjwKCAiArbv_BRA8EiwAYGs23H7oBMesVGNy348ye-I1TQ5cbVAZtVMNEeEASzfOSQ6k3DJo-Y84MRoC5OwQAvD_BwE#

Theft Description

<div class="page" style="caret-color: #000000; color: #000000;" title="Page 3"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold;">I am a final year Kingston University student, studying Architecture. I have been travelling from home on my bike to go to the Townhouse Library on Penrhyn Road to do my work (almost everyday) since the University shut for its Winter break on the 18th of December. 31st of December, like always, I went to uni to do my work. And again, like I have been doing for the past week or so, I parked my bike at the same spot, though strangely on the same bike stand since the rest of them were occupied with the same bikes I had noticed. The 5th stand closest from the entrance of the library as that was always quite spacious for me to lock my bike on. I reached the library at 11:40pm and headed straight into the library, and because I had no breakfast I just got something from the cafe on the ground floor. The receipt on it gives the time of 11:45pm. After that I had been in the library the whole time. I usually would go out around 2pm ish to the Kingston Town centre, to maybe Maccies to get something to eat, but I did not eat any lunch that day and was thinking of going to eat once the library shut at 6pm. But I have to admit, I would definitely have taken my bike if I were to go for lunch. That way it would have been possible for me to have checked on my bike. Regardless, I left the library precisely when it was shutting, so I left the building a minute or two after 6pm. I walked all the way towards the bike stand where I parked my bike, only to find out I had been robbed off my bike a second time. Nothing was left but my cut off bike lock which I have with me now. It looks as though it was sliced off with ease. This was my 3rd bike since coming to the UK. (First bike was stolen, second has now been taken to the bike shop today to get fixed after months in my garage, and this was the third which I got literally a month ago.)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div>